Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Deer, Deer, Deer Everywhere

The deer seem to be everywhere in the past few weeks. I counted seven in my front yard a few nights ago. Several of them have been wondering around the neighborhood in broad daylight.

This one was seen with her fawn on Lake Capri near Adriatic.

A few days later this one was seen on Lake Sorrento Drive. Unfortunately, the camera focused on the magnolia instead of the deer.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Lake Sorrento at Dusk

Here are a few photos taken at dusk on the Sorrento dam, August 6, 2012.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Ice Cream Social

The neighborhood ice cream social on August 5th was a lot of fun. Thanks to the volunteers and residents who helped make it a success! 

While the party continued inside the clubhouse, others enjoyed the beach despite the cloudy weather.